Cornerstone Studio is committed to creating a boutique studio environment with small class sizes. We take a technique-first approach, where we believe better form will yield better results. Trust the process and join us in the gym, we cannot wait to get moving with you!

Discover the strength at your core with our dynamic Core Class. Designed to target all planes of your core, including frontal, sagittal, and transverse, this invigorating workout will help you build a strong and stable center, enhance your posture, and improve your overall functional movement. unleash the power of your core for a stronger, more resilient you.

This class will combine multiple energy systems with a focus on improving endurance, through longer intervals that will combine high intensity and steady state exercises. CS Endurance will test your cardiovascular, strength and mental capacity, so come prepared to work! Participants who attend this class regularly can expect to see an increase in lean body mass, improved aerobic and anaerobic capacity and an overall increase in strength.

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This 30-minute class incorporates both standing and seated positions to open and lengthen the muscles from all angles. We will be deliberately flexing & stretching our muscles in order to improve muscle elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone. The result will be a feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion. This class is an excellent and essential compliment to your regular fitness routine to help decrease pain and eliminate injury risk


This class will teach you about progressive overload, working on a set program for 6 weeks at a time. Major pushing and pulling lifts, paired with unilateral and accessory lifts will be taught and perfected. Feel the benefits of sticking to a set program for a 6 week duration, including improved strength and an increase to your lean body mass.

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Connect with your centre through Pilates Mat work. With an emphasis on alignment and activating and mobilizing the muscles that support the spine you will leave feeling balanced and centred.

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Moving with control through standing and mat sequences, this 45-minute barre class will get your heart pumping and body moving. This class consists of low impact barre exercises combining small isolated movements with a high volume of reps to burn calories and sculpt muscles. Focussing on coordination, full body strength, and quality of movements, be prepared to be pushed — and then chill out with a stretch to unwind. 

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Ready to train like an athlete? This class is a full body workout, that tests both your strength and cardiovascular capacity! Utilizing dynamic movements, you will recruit major muscle groups while bumping your heart rate up. You’ll leave this class both energized and exhausted all at once. Athletic Conditioning is fun, effective, and certainly up there on the ‘calorie burning’ scale!

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This class will focus on building both absolute and relative strength. As relative strength (relative to your body weight) increases, everyday tasks become easier. Strength training is an extremely effective method for lowering body fat and increasing muscle definition. By putting stress on your muscles, strength training boosts your metabolism and keeps you burning calories all day long. Expect to work a combination of big lifts, uni-lateral movements, accessory lifts and deep stabilizing exercises using barbells, dumbbells, kettle bells, as well as your own body weight.

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This is a vinyasa style class which will focus on adding conditioning exercises to the flow— think extra chaturangas, forearm planks and core stability! Using your body weight, you will build strength, connection to your breath and expand your practice, all in one class. *Option to bring ankle/ wrist weights for an added challenge.


A chilled out vinyasa class. Focus on slower, mindful movement with longer holds to cultivate strength and creative expression. A great way to wind down your day and get grounded for a restful sleep.


An energizing vinyasa style practice that will challenge you to balance effort and ease in each posture. Poses will flow together as breath is linked throughout each movement. Get ready to move and play!

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This 45 minute bodyweight workout combines short cardio intervals with pilates core exercises and a touch of mobility work. This low-impact class will get your heart pumping while improving your core strength, cardiovascular fitness and overall mobility. Modifications can be provided throughout, making this an all-levels class. Grab your mat & get moving with us!

Whether you’re new to running or a seasoned runner, our run club is open to all levels! Join coach Far each week as he guides you through proper running mechanics and various training techniques + drills, helping you increase your speed and build up stamina.

You will work at your own pace (run/ walk levels can be accommodated) so just come ready to run! 
You’ll finish off with a cool-down stretch.